RDL Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Inc. - Manila, Philippines
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RDL Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Inc.
735 Bulacan St., Gagalangin, Tondo, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
Company description
Freshmen Facial Cleanser for men, RDL Teans Cologne, papaya with milk soap, green papaya soap, clarifying lotion.
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Questions & Answers
How to order rdl lotion in corrugated boxes?Pack Size? Qty per Box? Price?
Hello., how can i purchase your product direct from your company? As wholesaler..
We are very interested about your product,im living here in lebanon and we want to buy rdl product direct from your company we want your hole sale price n how we can take from there.please inform us how much the hole sale price and how much minimum we can take..thnx alot and more power to your company...please reply soon.
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