Termidor Perimeter Plus

Termidor Perimeter Plus
About the product
Termidor® termiticide/insecticide is a professional termite defense product effective on native subterranean termites, Formosan termites, and drywood termites. It utilizes an advanced nonrepellent, or “undetectable,” liquid technology that termites cannot see, smell, taste, or avoid. Instead, they contact, ingest, and share Termidor, completely unaware that doing so will inevitably kill them.

Unparalleled PerformanceIn numerous trials across the United States and around the world,Termidor has proven consistently effective at eliminating termites in structures and at preventing future infestations and devastating damage.
Ongoing field trials by the United States Department of Agriculture-Forest Service show no signs of termite damage in concrete slab field test plots treated at labeled rates with Termidor® 80 WGtermiticide/insecticide for more than 15 years after treatment-results no other currently available termite control products can match.
Termidor Certified Professionals have successfully protected over 4 million U.S. homes with Termidor since it was introduced in 2000. Applied according to label directions, Termidor starts working immediately and has provided 100% control of infesting termites in three months or less after treatment.
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