Lemon Punch

Lemon Punch
About the product
Lemon Punch is the first lemon-shaped cart in Metro Manila, Philippines. We serve hand-crafted fresh lemonade with a mixture of our customers’ choice of fresh fruits. What’s unique about Lemon Punch is besides the eye-catching figure of our beverage cart, it is more importantly a delicious guilt-free drink. The freshly-made juice drinks of Lemon Punch has NO sugar added, NO preservatives and NO other additives.

Our drinks are fused with our signature honey punch, which carries pure honey as its main ingredient and assures a tasty and thirst quenching drink our customers deserve after a day full of activities. Lemon Punch only includes the best of what nature can offer at an affordable price for a quality drink.

Making you "Have a lemoniscious Day!"
55 - 100
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