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"Ang dami binabayaran! Puro events tapos ang pangit pangit! " - was one comment of another marymount parent.

We parents have to pay so much for something that should be done by the students. Like the choreography. Isn't students allowed to create their own steps and show off their creative skills? Isn't that why we have these events? For the kids to have fun. Most students i've seen look tired and unhappy. Their so-called choreographers have worked them to the bone! Although some were good and kind enough to not yell or slave drive the students . Don't get me wrong, some of the payment is reasonable but its like they have events every month! What happened to learning? And there, students are required to bring donations or your clearance wont get signed (for highschoolers) Donations for them isnt optional; Its a requirement. What if your family isn't that rich? And isn't donations supposed to be out of a good heart? While your child studies there it feels more like 'Out of your pocket'. I'd love to give donations but that school has drained me.

Now there are also the teachers. The grade school departments teaching staff were quite fine. But in the highschool department.. Well some are good and some are bad. I hated the fact though that one teacher made my child's friend cry just because she was Korean. He critisized Koreans as lazy and bad people. But he did not remember the one korean girl and boy were top ten in conduct. How would u feel if you were judged, just because of your nationality, and it affected how that teacher looks at you?

And for the good comments, im quite happy they finally improved their facillities. Our money finally paid off! Hopefully the broken door knobs as well as the lights were included.

Hopefully this year wont be as bad as the other years my child has studied there.

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