Colorsteel System Corporation - Calasiao Branch - Philippines

3 Reviews
Company name
Colorsteel System Corporation - Calasiao Branch
Senior Tesor Academy Building, Diversion Road, San Miguel, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines
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We are primarily concerned with the welfare and progress of our customers, suppliers, employees and stockholders. We strive for excellence and leadership in the industry. We strive to become one of the best-run companies in the Philippines. We contribute to the well-being of our brothers and sisters in the community, and We offer the fruits of our labor to God, to our family and to our country.


3 Reviews
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its almost 3 months that the colorsteel calasiao did not comply to the said date of 3 weeks of accomplishing the roofing
this is bad for your business
very annoying
I think you are correct. I was ordering a Molave roofing at Colorsteel Urdaneta, They are very disorganized. As regards to price, one staff is telling different price from the other (commission for the salesman? ha ha because I went directly to the office?). I ordered a steel decking and paid (May 06, 2014). They said one week delivery. Its now 16 May 2014, wala pa yung order ko.
Colorsteel management, train your people how to deal with clients!
My architect, Arch. Robert Manansala ordered the roofing materials, steeldeck and spandrel from Colorsteel Calasiao. He, being the contractor of my house.

What i experienced in dealing with how they installed the said materials were a nightmare.

Their supposed to be skilled personnel seemed to be very skilled as they did not use any tools to install the roofing, save for their "barena". In short, they were very expert in drilling the roofing materials such that the screws ended up either on the extreme sides of the c-purlins, or the screws missed the c-purlins altogether, requiring them to drill again and again.

Also, they are very skilled in the sense that they themselves (not using any lines to guide them) installed the flashing in the front, leaving the "yero" going up and down like a roller coaster.

To add it all, the workers do not seem to follow any instructions from me or from my project foremen that they should use guide lines in installing the materials. We asked them to do so because WE PAID for the materials but they are DESTROYING the materials.

Of course, we reported these circumstances. Their project engineer who supposed to in charge of the workers was fired. And another on took charge in installing the rest.

Four weeks ago, the spandrel arrived. It took them another week just to start installing it. Again, the workers that they gave us refused to use any guidelines. I waited until he has finished installing a span of spandrel and then i asked him to go down and see for himself what his way ended. He agreed that the spandrels he installed were not leveled and he corrected it. The next day, a different worker came to install the remaining spandrels in front. he followed our instructions to use guidelines and he did well. However, when he started at the sides of the building, he noticed that the plastering of the walls were short and that he said that he will come back after the walls were completely plastered at the top. We did the plastering the next day the next. We then called Colorsteel and told them that the walls are already ready. They came back 2 weeks after we called! (They came back last July 29, 2011). In addition, they came back with new workers...

Anyway, when the new workers started the sides of the building, i noticed that the spandrel he was installing was not angled correctly. So i asked him to correct it (since he has only finished installing about 5 spandrels). He said that he will correct it when he gets along the middle! I said that it will not correct the problem... He then removed it and thinking that he will do it correctly the next time around, i left for work.

What i saw when i returned home was disappointing! The spandrels were not angled correctly! WALA TALAGA SA SQUALA YUNG MGA SPANDRELS! We reported the issue again last Saturday. The Project engineer came and we showed him the output. He agreed to have it corrected.

Unfortunately, they never came back today (August 1, 2011) and i noticed that the remaining spandrels lying on the ground have started to RUST! It is my money and time WASTED in a very unprofessional organization!

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