Arellano University School of Law - Pasay City, Philippines
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Arellano University School of Law
Taft Avenue corner Menlo St., Pasay City, Philippines
Contact number
(632) 404-3089 TO 93
(632) 524-2850
(632) 524-2850
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Company description
The Arellano University seal was inspired by the heroic photograph of American marines raising the Stars and Stripes on the summit of mount Surabachi. The seal was prepared by the great artist, Vicente Manansala. The whole design is expressive of the faith of the Arellano University in the youth of the land as builders of the Filipino nation.
The three virile young men—representing Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, and depicted as raising the Filipino flag on the promontory symbolize the fortitude, the courage and the sense of social cohesion that the three main ethic groups of the Philippines should possess in the fullest measure, if we as a people are to realize our dream of a strong and united nation.
Promontory. This gives a vivid impression of the rough obstacles that
The limitless horizon beyond the promontory signifies not only the boundless opportunities that this land of ours has to offer to its youth but also the infinite range of human knowledge.
The cluster of three stars illuminating the heavens symbolizes either the three great branches of human achievement in the realm of learning and culture science, philosophy, and art; or three-fold ideal of education – the education of the body, the education of the mind, and the education of the heart.
Without the beneficient guidance of this educational ideal, no man can hope to lay claim to a full and well-rounded existence. For he should not only possess the necessary skills and knowledge that would make him self-sufficient and capable of holding his own in a complex society; such skills and knowledge should also be governed by his deep sense of human values, by his sympathetic awareness of the world of nature and of men, and by the recognition of his part in the essential unity of creation.
The three virile young men—representing Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, and depicted as raising the Filipino flag on the promontory symbolize the fortitude, the courage and the sense of social cohesion that the three main ethic groups of the Philippines should possess in the fullest measure, if we as a people are to realize our dream of a strong and united nation.
Promontory. This gives a vivid impression of the rough obstacles that
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the youth have to meet and overcome in order to reach the goal of their ambition.The limitless horizon beyond the promontory signifies not only the boundless opportunities that this land of ours has to offer to its youth but also the infinite range of human knowledge.
The cluster of three stars illuminating the heavens symbolizes either the three great branches of human achievement in the realm of learning and culture science, philosophy, and art; or three-fold ideal of education – the education of the body, the education of the mind, and the education of the heart.
Without the beneficient guidance of this educational ideal, no man can hope to lay claim to a full and well-rounded existence. For he should not only possess the necessary skills and knowledge that would make him self-sufficient and capable of holding his own in a complex society; such skills and knowledge should also be governed by his deep sense of human values, by his sympathetic awareness of the world of nature and of men, and by the recognition of his part in the essential unity of creation.
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