Southville Foreign University - Las Pinas, Philippines
Southville Foreign University
1 Review
Southville Foreign UniversityYokohama Corner Luxembourg Street Bf Homes International +63(2)8296270
College name
Southville Foreign University
Yokohama Corner Luxembourg Street Bf Homes International , Las Pinas, Philippines
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Southville Foreign University is the pioneer and leading institution for international studies in the Philippines
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Southville Foreign UniversityYokohama Corner Luxembourg Street Bf Homes International +63(2)8296270
Sadly most students who now enrolls at Southville Foreign University chooses business or other courses except the “Hospitality Management” course because of its cramped and overloading schedule therefore most students fails their assessments(components of a subject/includes written exams/research papers/practical exams), compared to other courses they have a better schedule so there are few students who have failing grades. It is up to you all to believe me but this is my opinion based on the observance I have made. And personally I am a hospitality student from Southville Foreign University and their program for it is no joke and seriously hard and some teachers are very biased to their students and fails them on their assessments and thus we have to pay huge amount of cash to have a retake on these assessments, and what is worse is that this teachers and internal verifiers who checks the assessments obtains a share from the money we pay for the assessments. As of 2013 the most favored or chosen course is business management and other business related courses, next is computer courses and the least is the hospitality management course. Most junior and senior batches of the hospitality management class of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and up to the present have a history of the most failing grades, and heck if you’re a hospitality management student at this university it is really hard to get or be in a dean’s list compared to other courses which are continuously in the dean’s list.
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