AYALA CORPORATION - Makati City, Philippines

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34/F Ayala Tower I, Ayala TriangleAyala Avenue, Makati City 1226, Metro Manila, Philippines
+632 848 5846
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Company description
Since 1834, we at Ayala have been the country’s long standing partner in its pursuit for progress and nation building. We have been developing businesses that transform industries, challenging the status quo, and bringing innovations here in the Philippines and abroad that contribute to the nation’s social and economic agenda.

We constantly look for possibilities in the market to drive advancement. We see challenges as opportunities and tackle problems differently. We explore new dynamic business models and introduce pioneering products and services. We empower our leaders and employees to take initiative and make an impact in everything we do.

Because no matter what business we enter, our goal isn’t just to succeed, but to reinvent the way things work to change people’s  
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As a group, Ayala aims to meet the Filipinos’ evolving demands by providing practical solutions that balance quality and affordability. We have ventured into areas that touch on the basic needs of Filipinos—from building sustainable communities throughout the country, to widening access to financial services, improving connectivity, providing clean potable water, and expanding beyond our shores to cater to the needs of a globalized economy.

In recent years, we have taken a more deliberate approach to integrating the needs of a wider ecosystem into our business plans and in our continued symbiotic relationship with our stakeholders. We diversified into sectors that are going through important social and economic transformation and are critical to sustaining our country’s economic progress—industrial technologies, hard infrastructure through power and transport, and social infrastructure through healthcare and education.

From today, our emerging businesses will take on a unified brand identity, where they establish a clear connection to Ayala, while having the space to grow as they become industry leaders in their own right. Collectively, AC Industrials, AC Energy, AC Infra, AC Health and AC Education will further drive innovation, synergy and dynamism for the Ayala group.
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