TAIAN ELECTRIC, INC. - Mandaluyong City, Philippines
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Manila Office: Rm.23 PARC HOUSE Bldg.227 EDSA - Greenhills Mandaluyong, Philippines / Head Office: Phase I – Subic Bay Industrial Park, Argonaut Hi-w, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila
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Eric LinEstablishment year
2001-3000E-mail address
Company description
Taian Electric Co., Ltd. was set up in 1969, when Taiwan was launching its fifth national economic development plan.
From earlier products such as magnetic starters, circuit breakers, power distributing switch gears, programmable controllers, and inverters, to the recent large-scale electrical engineering system, Taian has performed well time after time. This is largely due to its outstanding quality control and state-of-the-art technology.
Taian started with manual operation, but now boasts its comprehensive computerization of operations and information management. It began as a single company, and is now large, listed enterprise with diverse investments in more than a dozen ventures. Taian’s management and investment vision have shown outstanding performance as well.
Moreover, as a result of the automation drive, the industry has been upgraded, stimulating another wave of economic growth. Thus, investing in new venture and creating more expansion as with TAIAN (SUBIC) ELECTRIC, INC. here in the Philippines.
A joint venture of Taian Electric Company, Ltd. of Taiwan and Yaskawa Electric Manufacturing Company, Ltd. of Japan, specializing in the production of the key components of magnetic switches. Established on March 31, 1997, the company started its plant operation on October 1, 1997.
The plant is located in Phase 1 Subic Bay Industrial Park, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, SBMA. The factory has a land area of 37,181 square miles with building area of 5,760 square miles and production area of 4,320 square miles.
From earlier products such as magnetic starters, circuit breakers, power distributing switch gears, programmable controllers, and inverters, to the recent large-scale electrical engineering system, Taian has performed well time after time. This is largely due to its outstanding quality control and state-of-the-art technology.
Taian started with manual operation, but now boasts its comprehensive computerization of operations and information management. It began as a single company, and is now large, listed enterprise with diverse investments in more than a dozen ventures. Taian’s management and investment vision have shown outstanding performance as well.
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its establishment 30 years ago, Taian Electric Co., Ltd. has always maintained a steady and practical management style, devoting itself to promotion of safety and automation. The company has been recognized as a Taiwan industry leader for its innovative products, excellent quality control and service, and outstanding efficiency in management. These attributes have also earned Taian the universal appreciation of its overseas customers.Moreover, as a result of the automation drive, the industry has been upgraded, stimulating another wave of economic growth. Thus, investing in new venture and creating more expansion as with TAIAN (SUBIC) ELECTRIC, INC. here in the Philippines.
A joint venture of Taian Electric Company, Ltd. of Taiwan and Yaskawa Electric Manufacturing Company, Ltd. of Japan, specializing in the production of the key components of magnetic switches. Established on March 31, 1997, the company started its plant operation on October 1, 1997.
The plant is located in Phase 1 Subic Bay Industrial Park, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, SBMA. The factory has a land area of 37,181 square miles with building area of 5,760 square miles and production area of 4,320 square miles.
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