1 Review
CCME HOMEMADE FOODSTUFF COMPANY111 Dr. Lazcano Sacred Heart 11039282765-9266029-9299598
Company name
111 Dr. Lazcano Sacred Heart 1103, Quezon City, Philippines
Contact number
Contact Person
PORTIA L. MERCADO Designation: PROPRIETRESS Telephone: 9299598Establishment year
1999E-mail address
Company description
CCME HOMEMADE FOODSTUFF CO. offers at least 50 main, side (Poultry, pork, beef, cocktail, vegetable, pasta, noodle, grain, salads, desserts, etc.) courses on its menu, including house specialties Beef Calderetta and Chicken Relleno. At present, the company's 24-hour food delivery and full catering service range extends to nearby provincial areas like Bulacan, Laguna, Cavite and Batangas. Patrons may order food items a-la-carte or choose from various house-designate menu packages good for a minimum of 20 persons up. Volume and packaging is mainly intended for buffet type of dining; although individual customized, styro-packed meals may also be availed for various functions--big and small. Ordering b telephone must be in advance of at least 5 hours to one day. Convenience in ordering and good food at low, competitive prices so far have been the company's key success points.
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CCME HOMEMADE FOODSTUFF COMPANY111 Dr. Lazcano Sacred Heart 11039282765-9266029-9299598
On December 27, 2013, I placed an order online. My instruction was to deliver my orders on December 31, 2013 at 7pm at my home address. Last December 31, 2013 between 6-6:30 pm, I called CCME to follow-up on my 7pm delivery. SHERLYN, the staff who answered my call did not know about my orders, and told me that there was nothing on their record about it. She said that they do not deal with online orders, only those placed by phone call. I told her that the order was placed online and that CCME had sent a reply that my food order would be processed after confirmation of payment. And that there was nothing to confirm because my order was to be paid COD. Sherlyn said that "automatic ang sagot sa online" and that I needed to call CCME before my order would be processed. Nothing of this sort was announced in the site. The phone was passed to one NORA PIMENTEL. Both could not address my concerns. I asked to be allowed to talk to the supervisor whose name, according to NORA PIMENTEL, was MINDA, but I was told that the latter was busy. No delivery was made on December 31, 2013 and I was constrained to order KFC for our 7pm dinner and media noche. Thereafter and until now, I repeatedly post messages at the CCME website to report the incident and to ask that I be referred to somebody to talk to me about my complaint. CCME never addressed my concern.
Atty. Emma Liza P. Calma
Atty. Emma Liza P. Calma
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