Magic and Illusion by Herman Aquino - Taguig City, Philippines

Magic and Illusion by Herman Aquino
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Magic and Illusion by Herman Aquino
Taguig, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
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Herman Aquino is one of Philippines' best magician and illusionist. He started doing magic at the age of seven and became a professional entertainer/magician on 1996. His first big show was on the joint birthday party celebration of then congressman of Taguig, now Supreme Court Justice Dante Tinga and former Mayor of Taguig Ising Garcia in C.P. Tinga Memorial Stadium in Taguig. After that he became the in house magician of Glico's Great Adventure in Glorietta Makati City. From there he continues to improve his skills as a magician and entertainer. Then, for the first time in magical history, in 1997 he did one of his most celebrated illusions -The Train Through Human Body Illusion. In this great illusion Herman is seen standing on the railway while both hands are in horizontal  
Show more position. Live audiences were on both sides of the railway. The train starts to move in increasing speed towards him. Then the train passes through Herman's body before the stunned live audience in Makati City. After that he had done more shows like theater shows, mall shows, corporate shows, school shows, etc. He even did a front act from a concert of one of the country's best bands in PICC Plenary Hall and also did some magic and illusions on South Border's Concert in Araneta Coliseum. Then in August 2004, he again did another first in Philippine Magic. For the first time in Philippine Magic history, he made a car disappear on Philippine National Television. In this great illusion Herman showed the car and proved to be a real car and not just a prop car. He raised the curtain and the audience can clearly see the sides and top of the curtain, there is no place the car can move without being seen. And yet after being covered by the curtain for just a few seconds, the curtain drops and the car vanished. The camera scanned the entire area and no sign of the car can be found. In 2008 he became the first Filipino magician and illusionist to have a regular show in Europe, performing magic and illusion every night for almost a year. In 2010-2011 he performed in Kenya, Africa and Taiwan his world class acts and illusions. And he continues to do great and entertaining shows and perform amazing illusions that dazzle the mind and move the heart. As he always say "Believe and be amazed"
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