MooMart - Manila, Philippines
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Manila, Philippines
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Nearly all Filipino farmers face immense difficulties in finding the right buyers for their produce. Currently, their only options are online platforms like Facebook groups, Instagram direct messaging and Viber communities, which are not designed to facilitate agricultural sales. Platforms like Lazada and Shopee are often filled with resellers, grocery stores and middlemen, making it hard for customers to tell if they are buying from a farm or not.
MooMart offers a solution to these issues. We are an end-to-end online marketplace in the Philippines that helps farmers to sell directly to businesses and other institutions. Consumers can now purchase farm-fresh produce with full transparency regarding its source. Our platform is designed to provide businesses with the confidence they need to make informed purchases that benefit thousands of farmers in the country.
MooMart offers a solution to these issues. We are an end-to-end online marketplace in the Philippines that helps farmers to sell directly to businesses and other institutions. Consumers can now purchase farm-fresh produce with full transparency regarding its source. Our platform is designed to provide businesses with the confidence they need to make informed purchases that benefit thousands of farmers in the country.
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