Arms Corporation of the Philippines (Armscor) - Makati Office - Makati City
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Company name
Arms Corporation of the Philippines (Armscor) - Makati Office
1st Basement Makati Cinema Square, Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines
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Company description
In 1905, two Englishmen named Roy Squires and William Bingham put up a photo print shop and merchandising firm in the Philippines. The company established was called Squires, Bingham & Co. Squires and Bingham eventually expanded their business to general trading; importing and retailing motorcycles and sporting goods - including firearms and ammunition. By the 1930's, Squires Bingham Co. had become popularly associated with sporting guns. It was at this point in time that Arthur D. Hileman, an ex-US Army Hospital Corpsman, purchased the store from its original owners.
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Questions & Answers
Do you have power extraction spring for stock 2 and how much does it cost?
Do you have a Barrel Heat Shield that will fit a Mossberg 500 12Ga. Shotgun? And how much please. Thank you.
Hi Sir/Maam,
I wish to check if the following unit is available in your store as I am planning to purchsr one next week
1. RIA Rock Ultra CCO (********)
2. RIA Tac Ultra FS ( ********)
Please provide price as well.
I wish to check if the following unit is available in your store as I am planning to purchsr one next week
1. RIA Rock Ultra CCO (********)
2. RIA Tac Ultra FS ( ********)
Please provide price as well.
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